Faculty Position in Economics, Open Rank (Assistant / Associate / Professor)

Georgetown University in Qatar

Job Overview


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Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q) seeks applications for one (1) core assistant, associate, or professor positions in Economics. Core faculty positions are full-time positions designed to replicate the institutional commitment to academic freedom and professional opportunities associated with tenure-track appointments, in compliance with Georgetown University’s academic governance guidelines.

We seek applications from colleagues in all economic disciplines, with some preference for development, labor, behavioral, international, or applied economics. Applicants must have substantial research accomplishments, evidence of ambitious ongoing research agendas, and outstanding teaching credentials. Appointment will be at the rank of assistant professor, associate professor, or professor depending on the candidate’s experience and qualifications.

GU-Q provides generous research support and support for conference travel. Faculty at Georgetown University in Qatar are eligible to apply for GU-Q Faculty Research Funds and funding through the Qatar National Research Fund. Junior core faculty are eligible for a research semester without teaching responsibilities while colleagues with senior core faculty status are also eligible to apply for periodic research sabbaticals. Colleagues are eligible in the fourth year to start earning continuing course releases based on publication achievements accumulated since the beginning of the initial appointment. They also benefit from opportunities to spend time at the Economics Department on our main campus in Washington, DC, and from regular research semesters.

GU-Q boasts best-in-class teaching facilities including a Global Classroom for classes connecting students in Washington, D.C., and Doha.

Compensation is competitive in relation to the US academic market. It includes an annual summer research stipend for active scholars, amounting to 2/9 of the base salary. The expatriate benefits package (https://www.qatar.georgetown.edu/about/careers/human-resources/benefits-and-allowances/) includes: fully-furnished high-quality housing, transportation allowance, annual family home leave allowance, health insurance with worldwide coverage, and private school tuition support for accompanying children.

GU-Q was established in 2005 alongside other elite international universities in Education City (https:/ www.qf.org.qa/education/education-city), in partnership with Qatar Foundation. GU-Q is an integral part of Georgetown University, delivering the renowned School of Foreign Service’s Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service degree (https://www.qatar.georgetown.edu/academics/programs/bachelor-science-foreign-service-bsfs degree-program/): a liberal arts program (https://www.qatar.georgetown.edu/academics/programs/bsfs-core-curriculum-first-two-years-degree/) offering majors in International Politics, International History,

Culture and Politics, and International Economics. Degrees are issued by Georgetown University.

GU-Q is a research-focused, student-oriented institution with a globally competitive research and publications record, and it houses the Center for International and Regional Studies (CIRS) (https://cirs.georgetown.edu/). GU-Q values interdisciplinarity and its faculty and students benefit from the opportunities offered by the wider academic eco-system of Education City. For more information on GU-Q, see https://www.qatar.georgetown.edu.

Qatar offers a diverse, safe and family-friendly living environment. Ranked the safest country in the world in 2020 (https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200714-qatar-ranked-safest-country-in-the-world-for-sixth-time/), it is connected by direct flights to over 160 destinations in 90 countries. The iconic National Library (https://www.qnl.qa/en), adjacent to GU-Q in Education City and designed by Rem Koolhaas, provides free membership to all faculty and students. Public parks, beaches, sports facilities (including Education City’s extensive sports venues), museums (https://www.qm.org.qa/en), cafes, and restaurants abound, and a state-of-the-art metro system connects all parts of Doha and nearby locations (see https://www.visitqatar.qa/en/home). For a glimpse of what it is like to teach and live in Qatar, see: https://youtu.be/HNoERrWln4k.

Review of applications will begin on December 1, and continue until the position is filled. Applicants should provide a cover letter detailing teaching and research interests, curriculum vitae, and three (3) recommendation letters. Applications must be made via Job Openings for Economists. Faxed or emailed applications will not be accepted. Questions about the online application system should be directed to Ms. Carina Lawson at cl978@georgetown.edu. Queries about the position should be directed to iecosearch24@georgetown.edu. Please reference ‘International Economics Search’ in the subject line.

Georgetown University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer fully dedicated to achieving a diverse faculty and staff. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply and will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity and expression, and sexual orientation), disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

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  • Total Jobs 3 Jobs
  • Location Qatar