Faculty – NYU Abu Dhabi (updated)

New York University Abu Dhabi

Job Overview

NYU Abu Dhabi has recruited a cohort of faculty who are at once distinguished in their research and teaching. Our students are drawn from around the world and surpass all traditional recruitment benchmarks, both US and global.

NYU Abu Dhabi’s highly selective liberal arts enterprise is complemented by an institute for advanced research, sponsoring cutting-edge projects across the arts and humanities, engineering, science, and social science.

Current Job Opportunities

Position Inquiries
Dean of Science [email protected]
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Tenure-Track [email protected]
Computer Science Professor, Tenured / Tenure Track – Open Rank [email protected]
Dean of Engineering [email protected]
Mathematics Professor, Tenured/Tenure Track – Open Rank [email protected]
Open Rank, Professor in Economics, with a priority given to the field of Theoretical or Applied Econometrics, Tenured/Tenure Track [email protected]
Professor of Computational Social Science, Tenured/Tenure-Track – Open Rank [email protected]
Professor of Computer Engineering, Tenured/Tenure-Track (Open Rank) [email protected]

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